Monday, July 14, 2014

My self-doubt has been replaced by a trust and acceptance of all of my feelings and intuition. It is because of having a Narcissistic mother that I grew up using my intuition to figure out how to survive and I had to finely attune this empathic intuitive gift that I now use to help others.  It is as if it was all meant to be so I would learn 1)how valuable compassion and love are to myself and others and 2) how horribly damaging it is NOT to have compassion and love as a highly sensitive child.  I am grateful for all that I have learned. I have learned from my family that Narcissistic mothers can manipulate their children into bullying her other children–often the innocent, kind, compassionate, highly sensitive child is the Scapegoat (SG) or Golden Child (GC) depending on whether they are obedient to her demands or not.  She will sweetly get you to confide in her so she can find your Achilles heal and then insidiously use it to control you.  She can be a brilliant actress of love and caring around her husband  or your siblings and save the stabbing criticisms said with a smile for when you are alone and least expect it. She feeds her other needy children with lies about the  SG and rewards them when they do her bidding. I was the Golden Child first and saw first hand how she turned me against my siblings by talking terribly about them.  Then it all switched when at 25 I stopped being obedient and she slowly turned them against me.  I didn’t realize she was doing this until many years later–we were all low contact then, seeing each other once a year or less and all being on their good behavior.  As my children got older and their schedules got more demanding and I had to be even more assertive about when we would visit, I soon realized she had systematically turned them all against me and made herself out to be the victim of my so-called selfishness. Narcissists are dangerous people and I feel so fortunate to finally know the truth and to be freefrom the Narcissists in my life.  I feel passionate about educating others on the dangers of Narcissists, especially as they prey on highly sensitive people who seem to be almost like targets of their remorseless lust for destroying dreams and confidence. Their lack of compassion, lack of guilt or remorse, and endless blaming others for all that is wrong in their lives are the red flags that help me to be able to spot a Narcissist a mile away.